I'm just trying to hold myself accountable. Here is a list of references I will review. I pasted this straight from my Qualitative Methodology and Social Theory courses at UCSF. I do not know how to cite a syllabus, yet. Thanks Dr. Pinderhughes and Dr. McLemore!
General and Ethical
See Codes of Ethics for (Qualitative) Research: www.asanet.org/about/ethics.cfm
Guillemin, M. & Gillam L. (2004). Ethics, reflexivity and ethically important moments in
research. Qualitative Inquiry, 10 (2), 261-280. (Link to publisher)
Lietz, C. A., Langer, C. L., & Furman, R. (2006). Establishing trustworthiness in qualitative
research in social work; implications from a study regarding spirituality. Qualitative Social Work, 5(4), 441-458. (Good, detailed description of methods employed in one study
to establish rigor.)
Morse, J.M. (2006). The politics of evidence. Qualitative Health Research, 16(3), 395-404.
Morse, JM (2015). Critical analysis of strategies for determining rigor in qualitative inquiry.
Qualitative Health Research, 25(9), 1212-1222.
Porter, S. (2007). Validity trustworthiness and rigor: reasserting realism in qualitative research.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60, 79-86. PMID: 17824942
Sandelowski, M. (1993). Rigor or rigor mortis: The problem of rigor in qualitative research
revisited. Advances in Nursing Science, 16, 1-8. (Classic reference.) PDF on Moodle
Stige, B, Malterud, K, & Midtgarden, T. 2009. Toward an agenda for evaluation of qualitative
research. Qualitative Health Research 19(10): 1504-1516.
Situational Analysis
Atkinson, Paul, A. Coffey, S. Delamont, J. Lofland, & L. Lofland (Eds.) 2001. Handbook of
ethnography. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chan, G., Brykczynski, K., Malone R. & Benner, P. Editors. 2010. Interpretive Phenomenology
in Health Care Research. Indianapolis: Sigma Theta Tau International Press. This entire
text is full of exemplars of interpretive phenomenological research and methodological
Clarke, A. E., Friese, C. & Washburn, R. S. 2018. Situational Analysis: Grounded Theory After
the Interpretive Turn. 2nd Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Clarke, A. E. 2009. “From Grounded Theory to Situational Analysis: What’s New? Why?
How?” Pp. 194-235 in Developing grounded theory: the second generation, edited by J.
M. Morse, P. N. Stern, J. M. Corbin, K. C. Charmaz, B. Bowers, & A. E. Clarke. Walnut
Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
Clarke, Adele E. 2019. “Situational Analysis: A Critical Interactionist Method.” In M. H. J
Jacobsen (Ed.), Critical and Cultural Interactionism (pp. 189-209). London: Routledge.
Clarke, Adele E. 2019. “Situating GT and Situational Analysis in the History of Interpretive
Qualitative Inquiry.” In Antony Bryant and Kathy Charmaz (Eds.) SAGE Handbook of
Current Developments in Grounded Theory (pp. 3-47). London: Sage, 2nd ed.
Clarke, Adele E. in Conversation with Reiner Keller. 2014. "Engaging Complexities: Working
Against Simplification as an Agenda for Qualitative Research Today."Forum Qualitative
Sozialforschung 15(2): Online at
Davis, D.A. & Craven, C. (2016). Feminist Ethnography. Thinking Through Methodologies,
Challenges and Possibilities. Baltimore, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Denzin, N., & Giardina, M. (Eds.). 2007. Ethical futures in qualitative inquiry: Decolonizing the
politics of knowledge. Walnut Creek CA: Left Coast Press.
Denzin, N., Lincoln, Y. and L. T. Smith (Eds.) 2008. Handbook of Critical and Indigenous
Methodologies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Dill, B. T., & Zambrana, R. E. 2009. Emerging intersections: Race, class, and gender in theory,
policy and practice. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Frank, A. W. 1995. The wounded storyteller: Body, illness, and ethics. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Grzanka, P. & E.S. Mann. 2014. Queer Youth Suicide and the Psychopolitics of “It Gets
Better.” Sexualities 17(4):369-393.
Martin, W., Pauly, B. and MacDonald, M. 2016. Situational Analysis for Complex Systems:
Methodological Development in Public Health Research. AIMS Public Health 3(1):94-
Phellas, C.N. (Ed.) 2012. Researching Non-Heterosexual Sexualities. Farnham, UK: Ashgate.
Salazar-Torres, V.M. and Öhman, A. 2015. Negotiating Masculinity, Violence, and
Responsibility: A Situational Analysis of Young Nicaraguan Men’s Discourses on Intimate
Partner and Sexual Violence. Journal of Aggression Maltreatment & Trauma 24(2):131-
Smith, Jonathan A., Paul Flowers & Michael Larkin (2009. Interpretative Phenomenological
Analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Chapter 2 pages 11-12; 16-18; 21-39
Sprague, J. 2005. Feminist methodologies for critical researchers: Bridging differences.
Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (Eds.). 1997. Grounded theory in practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Web Resources:
Sage Companion Website: https://study.sagepub.com/clarke2e.
Includes templates for maps. www.situationalanalysis.com This is the website
maintained by Adele E. Clarke, developer of the method of situational analysis. It
contains up-to-date lists of publications and dissertations using situational analysis; a list
of Clarke's publications on research methods; a searchable and downloadable
bibliography from the book Situational Analysis (Sage, 2005), and other resources.
The Facebook page offers resources about the method including up-to-date lists of
selected exemplars; all known publications and dissertations using situational analysis;
and Clarke's publications on methods
This is the video of a talk given in English by Adele Clarke at the Berlin Qualitative
Workshops in 2011. There is a long introduction in German by Prof. Dr. Reiner Keller
(University of Augsburg) who arranged for the German translation of Situational
Analysis. Clarke's talk and slides are in English.
http://dne2.ucsf.edu/public/anselmstrauss/social-worlds.html This is the website for Anselm
Strauss's work, including a list of his publications on social worlds theory and two
articles about it.
Interpretive Phenomenology
Cohen, M.Z., Kahn, D.L., & Steeves, R.H. (2000). Hermeneutic phenomenological research; A
practical guide for Nurse Researchers. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (Call No.: RT81 5C63
Cook, G., Thompson, J. & Reed, J. (2015). Re-conceptualising the status of residents in a care
home: older people wanting to ‘live with care’. Ageing and Society, 35(08), 1587 – 1613.
DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X14000397
Crowther, S., Ironside, P., Spence, D., & Smythe, L. (2017). Crafting stories in hermeneutic
phenomenology Research: A methodologic device. Qualitative Health Research, 27(6),
Miles M, Francis K, Chapman Y, Taylor B. (2013). Hermeneutic phenomenology: A metho-
dology of choice for midwives. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 19: 404-414
Nden, D. (2010). Hermeneutics and observation--a discussion. Nursing Inquiry, 17(1), 75-81.
PMID: 20137033
Newman, C, Cashin, A, & Waters, C D. (2010). A modified hermeneutic phenomenological
approach toward individuals who have autism. Research in Nursing & Health, 33(3),
265-71. PMID: 20499396
O'Brien, A., Chesla, CA, Humphreys, J. (2018) Couples Experiencing the Diagnosis of
Maternal Postpartum Depression, JOGNN, 48(3), 341-350
Palacios J, Strickland J, Chesla CA, Kennedy HP, and Portillo CJ. Weaving dreamcatchers:
mothering among American Indian women who are teen mothers. J Adv Nurs 70.1 (2013
May):153-63. PMID: 23713884. PMCID: PMC3815508
van Manen, M. (1997). Researching lived experience: Human science for an action sensitive
pedagogy. London, Ontario, Canada: The Althouse Press. (Call No.: LB1028 M26851997)
van Manen, Max (2014). Phenomenology of Practice; Meaning-Giving Methods in
Phenomenological Research and Writing. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
Racial Analysis
DuBois, W. E. B. 1903. The Souls of Black Folk. The Forethought, Chapter I and II (pgs.1-18);
Chapter IX (pgs. 69-79); Chapter XII (pgs 90-96); Chapter XIV (pgs. 106-111).
DuBois, W. E. B. 1899. The Philadelphia Negro: A Social Study. Schocken Books.
Introduction (pgs. ix-xlii); Chapter I & II (pgs. 1-9); Chapter XVIII (pgs. 385-397).
Cox, Oliver Cromwell. 1959. Race, Caste and Class: A Study in Social Dynamics. Monthly
Review Press. pgs. 317-384; pgs. 545-583.
Winant, Howard. 2000. Race and Race Theory. Annual Review of Sociology. pgs. 169-185.
Addams, Jane. 1902. Democracy and Social Ethics. Introduction (pp. 1-12) and Chapter VII
(pp. 221-278).
Ahmed, S. 2009. Embodying diversity: problems and paradoxes for Black feminists. Race
Ethnicty and Education. 12, 41-52.
De Ishtar, Z. 2005. Striving for a common language: A white feminist parallel to Indigenous
ways of knowing and researching. Women’s Studies International Forum, 28, 357-368.
Dill, T., McLaughline, B., Amy E., & Nieves, A.D. (2006). "Future Directions of Feminist
Research: Intersectionality." Pp. 629-638 in Sharlene Hesse-Biber (Ed.) Handbook of
Feminist Research: Theory and Praxis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. 1898. Women and Economics. pp. iii - 98.
Martineau, Harriette. 1837. Society in America. Vol I, Part I, Chapter III, Section VI & VII (pp.
Hekman, S. 2007. “Feminist Methodology.” Pp. 534-546 in W. Outhwaite and S. P. Turner
(Eds.) Handbook of Social Science Methodology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Jolivétte, A.J. (Ed). (2015). Research Justice: Methodologies for Social Change. Chicago, IL:
Policy Press c/o The University of Chicago Press.
Chapter 1: Research Justice: Radical love as a strategy for social transformation.
Chapter 2: Imagining justice: Politics, pedagogy, and dissent.
Kim, H.S. 2006. “The Politics of Border Crossings: Black, Postcolonial, and Transnational
Feminist Perspectives.” Pp. 107-122 in Sharlene Hesse-Biber (Ed.) Handbook of Feminist
Research: Theory and Praxis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Lather, P. 2008. (Post) Feminist methodology. International Review of Qualitative Research,
1(1), 55-64.
Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. 2003. Feminism Without Borders: Decolonizing Theory,
Practicing Solidarity. Duke University Press. Introduction (1-13); Chapter 1 (17-42);
Chapter 8 (190-217).
Atkinson, P. & Pugsley, L. 2005. Making sense of ethnography and medical education.
Medical Education, 39, 228-234.
Barbour, R. 2005. Making sense of focus groups. Medical Education, 39,742-50.
Dwyer, S.C. & Buckle, J.L. 2009. "The Space Between: On Being an Insider-Outsider in
Qualitative Research." International Journal of Qualitative Methods 8(1): 54-63.
Dickson-Swift, Virginia, Erica L. James, Sandra Kippen and Pranee Liamputtong. 2007. Doing
Sensitive Research: What Challenges Do Qualitative Researchers Face? Qualitative
Research 7(3): 327-53.
Hegelund, A. 2005. Objectivity and subjectivity in the ethnographic method. Qualitative
Health Research, 15, 647-668.
Hunter, C.L., Spence, K., McKenna, K. & Iedema, R. 2008. Learning how we learn: An
ethnographic study in a neonatal intensive care unit. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 62,
Kaufman, K.S. 1994. The insider-outsider dilemma: Field experience of a white researcher
"getting in" a poor black community. Nursing Research, 43, 179-183.
Miller, F.A., & Alvarado, K. 2005. Incorporating documents into qualitative nursing research. J
Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 37, 348-53.
Murphy, F. 2005. Preparing for the field: Developing competence as an ethnographic field
worker. Nurse Researcher, 12(3), 52-60.
Quinlan, Elizabeth. 2008. Conspicuous Invisibility: Shadowing as a Data Collection Strategy.
Qualitative Inquiry 14(8): 1480-1499.
Shaw, J. A. (2016). Reflexivity and the “Acting Subject”; Conceptualizing the unit of analysis
in Walby, K. 2007. On the social relations of research. A critical assessment of
institutional ethnography. Qualitative Inquiry, 13(7), 1008-1030.
Wind, G. 2008. Negotiated interactive observation: Doing fieldwork in hospital settings.
Anthropology & Medicine,15(2), 79-89.